Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Forest Hill Peeping Tom

Tuesday morning I woke up and turned on CP24 to check the highways for my morning commute to work. Quickly I glanced back and forth, between images of the 404 and the headlines just left of the screen. After six months of living in Toronto and having this morning routine, my neighbourhood finally made it into the headlines! "Police are investigating a possible sexual offender operating in the Bathurst Street and St. Clair Avenue West area."

I wanted to cheer for my neighbourhood, but then I thought, "Uh...this headline isn't good." I went to google news to get the story. Turns out there's a peeping tom targeting female homes in my area. One woman living in a ground floor apartment just down my street had her window screen cut open by the dude.

This is particularly disconcerting because: 1) I live pretty much sandwiched between the location of both incidents. 2) I live with a female friend. 3) We share a ground floor apartment.

But after some thought, I realized how silly it is to worry myself over a headline from CP24. Besides getting traffic reports every morning, I enjoy making fun of about 90% of their headlines. Why should this be any different? So, to ease my worries, I've already started making jokes about the peeping tom. (Mostly based on his description fitting people I know).

Speaking of making fun - everyone who visits my new home has made fun of the four different types of locks I have on the door to my bedroom patio. Who's laughing now?!

1 comment:

  1. yay bathclair! i lived at st clair and oakwood forever and there were CONSTANTLY rapes and muggings in the alley behind my building. funny, but not "ha ha" funny. good ol' four locks toronto. <3
